Skin pack tray labeling

A specialised and professional approach is needed for skin pack tray labeling. Bandall machines are excellent when it comes to dealing with contour differences in the packaging. We guarantee an attractive and neatly labeled skin pack.

Consult our experts!

Labelling skin packs
Examples of labelled skin packs

Easily and neatly labeled

Skin packs containing, for example, a lobster shell or a T-bone steak are often slightly higher than the tray packaging. This frequently causes problems when regular labels are used. These irregular shapes are not an issue for our banding machines. Thanks to our unique technology, you can be sure that labels will always fit neatly and tightly around your skin pack.

Less packaging material

By using a band, significant material reductions can be achieved in comparison to for example sleeve packaging. A reduction of up to 50% can be realized due to the band consisting of very thin material. In addition, a band is a more flexible packaging solution compared to a cardboard sleeve. By printing variable information during the banding process, you often only need one band design and one type of roll in stock.

Products labeled by our machines:

Labeling skin packs by banding

Linerless labels are a popular choice for tray-packed products due to their efficiency and sustainability. They reduce downtime on label production lines, eliminate liner waste, and provide an increased print surface, making them an ideal solution. The wafer thin material offers many advantages in comparison to self-adhesive labels or sleeves. A well-designed label leads to a higher chance of being picked up from the shelves, meaning an increase in sales.
Het banderolleren van een skinpack

Our labeling machines:

Stand Alone


Fully automatic

Ask our team about skin pack tray labeling